• Video: CCR’s Dragon HillClimb

    Video: CCR’s Dragon HillClimb

    “I race because it’s an adventure” – these powerful words spoken by SCCA® Central Carolinas Region member Vicki Lanning propel viewers into the world of SCCA HillClimb through a cinematically-shot video by Graham County...Read more
  • Club Spec – Big Interest, Next Step: more questions

    Club Spec – Big Interest, Next Step: more questions

    Can you believe it’s been two months since we announced the concept of “Club Spec,” a concept that would enable members to buy one car and use it in every kind of SCCA® event? Soon thereafter, we landed on GRM Live with JG...Read more
  • Grassroots Feature: Boosting Tourism with Hill Climbs

    Grassroots Feature: Boosting Tourism with Hill Climbs

    Hill climbs can be a bit of an odd duck in the SCCA world. They’re not on purpose-built circuits like track events, and they’re not in empty parking lots like autocross. Most of the time, they’re on public roads (similar to...Read more