Voting to Begin for 2024 Board of Directors Positions

As an SCCA Member, you are both invited and encouraged to participate in the annual elections for the SCCA Board of Directors. SCCA BoD members, as outlined in the SCCA bylaws, “shall establish the policies of the Club and shall oversee and direct the implementation and execution of such policies and the administration of the affairs of the Club by the executive committee, such other committees as it determines to appoint and authorize, and the staff of the Club.” It’s an important position for the direction of the Club, and as such, the selection of the Board should be taken seriously. Members of the Board of Directors are elected to three-year terms, so only four (4) of the 13 Areas are up for election for 2024. 

This year's election process will once again include online voting via the Member Account Portal (MAP) at, and an email notification announcing such will be sent shortly to eligible voters. For those on a Family Membership, each family member will need to log in with their unique SCCA Member ID to cast their vote. A first-time login requires a valid email address on the member account, and family members may use the same email address. Those that experience any difficulty should contact the Member Services Department for assistance at

The SCCA National Office assumes members are “opted in” to electronic delivery of ballots unless they have specifically “opted out.” Those who opted out should receive physical ballots in the mail shortly so they may vote on Area Director candidates – if their Area Director is up for election this year. Ballots are mailed to addresses on record with the Sports Car Club of America. Completed ballots should NOT be returned to the SCCA office. Instead, votes will be tallied by Mize CPAs Inc. A postage paid return envelope is included with the ballot for your convenience.

Online voting will be opened on Friday, October 13 and close November 15 at 5:00pm Central Time. Mailed ballots must be received at Mize CPAs Inc. before November 15 at 5 p.m. Central Time.

Voting is only open in contested areas, so only members in good standing as of October 1, 2023 in Areas 4 and 11 will be able to vote online or expect to receive a ballot if they’ve opted out of electronic delivery.

If you feel you did not receive a ballot and should have, please contact SCCA Member Services at

Area Director Seats up for Election

Area 3 Candidates | 2024 BoD Elections

Area 3: Encompasses part of the Southeast Division including Florida, Gulf Coast, Wiregrass, Central Florida, Red Hills, and Puerto Rico Regions.

Current Area 3 Director Lyn Hodges Watts will retain her seat on the SCCA Board of Directors as the uncontested incumbent in the 2024 Board of Director Elections. 

Area 4 Candidates | 2024 BoD Elections

Area 4: Encompasses the Great Lakes Division and each Region contained within it: Western Michigan, Detroit, Indianapolis, Kentucky, Neohio, Northwestern Ohio, Ohio Valley, South Bend, Southern Indiana, Southern West Virginia, River Cities, Columbus Sports Car Club, Cincinnati, Central Kentucky, Indiana Northwest, Fort Wayne, Western Ohio, Northern Ohio Valley, Saginaw Valley, and West Kentucky Regions.

I am campaigning for this position so I can continue my service to the members of Area 4. I believe my performance over the last three years has earned me a chance to stay in the office.

During my first term, I was able to serve as liaison to the Club Racing Board (CRB), the RallyCross Board (RXB) and the Budget, Finance and Risk Assessment Committee. I also helped create, staff and act as Chair for the Electric Vehicle Advisory Committee (EVAC). The EVAC’s governance has allowed the SCCA to be a leader in how EVs are dealt with during competition at all levels of all SCCA programs.

I have also followed through on my promises to the membership. I have sent out monthly updates with information about the video conference calls, meetings, races and other SCCA events I have attended. I have done my best to attend (and sometimes compete) in a variety of events held in the division. In addition, my calendar is posted on our divisional website for anyone to view. This allows all members to know where I will be in case they would prefer a face-to-face meeting.

Should I gain the favor of my colleagues in Area 4, I will make sure to continue to do the following:

I will always have an “open door” policy so any member can let me know about specific questions, comments or concerns they may have about the Club’s operations or policies. I cannot draw conclusions in a vacuum. I must have input from the membership in order to act on your behalf as well as the best interests of the Club as a whole.

I will always keep the membership informed as to my position on topics as well as how I voted on items that come before the BoD.

I will reach out to our membership on a monthly basis, so they understand my involvement on the BoD.

Use my professional training as a scientist to evaluate and collate data so I can properly make conclusions based on that data.

As my schedule permits, I will do my best to travel to regional meetings and various SCCA events in our division (Club Racing, Solo, RallyX, TNiA, etc.).

Thank you, in advance, for your support. Please contact me at if you have any questions or comments.

I have been a member of SCCA and the Ohio Valley Region (OVR) since December 1994.  I have been involved in TSD Rally’s (Novice Driver of the Year), track medical team, flagging and communications, a starter and a steward. I served 4 years as a GLD Deputy Executive Steward and 6 years as the GLD Executive Steward. As a steward, John Peterson and Steve Harris were my mentors.  Steve was also a mentor in my professional career. 

Within OVR. I am in my 4th year as a board member.  I have served as Assistant Regional Executive, Co-chair of the Election Committee and past Treasurer. I was part of the committee that worked on the revision of the By-Laws and Operations Manual.  I have been awarded the OVR BOD Service to Racing Award twice, the Dave Stewart Award and the Barry Baker Award.  In 2019 received the GLD John Peterson Service to Racing Award and in 2022 received the Steve Harris Award for service to the Great Lakes Division. 

I am supportive of the regions Club Racing, Autocross, Rallycross and Time Trial programs.  I served as the regions Chief Steward for club races, which includes Regional, Majors and Super Tour races.  At other GLD races I work a variety of steward positions including serving as Chair Stewards of the Meet.

In February 2022, I retired after spending over 40 plus years in Corporate Safety and Risk Management.

As Area 4 Director my position is simple:

  1. Be as transparent as possible, realizing that there are Board items that cannot be discussed with the division membership.
  2. Ensure that our money is used and spent wisely to benefit all our members.
  3. Provide fair support to all our regions and the programs within each region.
  4. To support all the programs which benefit our members.
  5. Keep our programs cost effective and affordable for our members.

If you would like to discuss anything you may contact me at or call me at 614-735-4541.

Thank you for your consideration and vote.  Regardless of who you vote for, please take the time to vote.

Dan Hodge

Area 9 Candidates | 2024 BoD Elections

Area 9: Encompasses part of the Northern Pacific Division including San Francisco and Reno Regions.

Charlie Davis is concluding his final term as allowed by SCCA Bylaws. The nominee for the open position is:

My goal as Director on the National SCCA Board of Directors for Area Nine is to use my many years of experience in all phases of the motorsports industry to help set a new direction for the Club that resolves age-old issues and insures that the SCCA of the future, provides fun with cars, creates growth, financial stability and status among the leading membership driven organization in the nation.

I have seen many racing/open-track organizations in action that are appealing to today’s youth. I have been a promoter, writer, publisher, columnist, sanctioning body officer including President, business manager, and region manager for San Francisco. I have been a car owner and driver of just about everything both on dirt and pavement and have championships that say I was OK. My greatest achievement thus far was the building a road track in Willows Ca. where getting a permit was impossible and the expansion a miracle. Thunderhill is successful on every front. It is debt free, has a book of business close to 1000 event days each year and is well ensconced in the community. Community relations is my specialty. I am the Vice Mayor of Willows, a long time Rotarian and I have a long list of voluntary community positions too numerous to list. I am on the Executive Board of the NASCAR West Coast Stock Car Hall of Fame, President of the Friends of Thunderhill Foundation [501 c-3] and consultant to S. F. Properties Inc.

The business we are in within the SCCA world, all of it, is facing challenges brought on by change, competition and a persistence in the ranks to make old ideas and ways work even though they have not done so for a very long time. There is a way to make the SCCA work not just for the few, but for the many. What we do, what we offer is unique and well done for the most part. We can and will make it better by starting with a vision of tomorrow, identifying what works, adding new and different ways to do what we do that appeals to the new membership that awaits and, most importantly, we will have the courage, in the name of making the SCCA great again, to discard that which can only insure our demise with an epitaph that says we were an old and no longer relevant component of recreational motorsports. We are relevant. We are listening to the wrong people and seem to have lost a vision of a better tomorrow as we spend time and resources trying to recapture that past. The past is past.  What is your vision of a viable, successful, fun, powerful, and magnetic SCCA in the future? In five years, ten years? This is what I hope to achieve as a member of a team of like-minded men and women who have the future of SCCA- fun with cars, in their hands.

David Vodden
Member Area 9
Region 33

Area 11 Candidates | 2024 BoD Elections

Area 11: Encompasses the Southern Pacific Division and each Region contained within it: Arizona, Cal Club, Hawaii, San Diego, Las Vegas, Arizona Border, Big Island of Hawaii, and Phoenix AZ Solo Regions.

Dale Shoemaker is completing the term vacated by Jason Isley and is not seeking re-election. The nominees for the open position is:

SCCA member – 16 years
  • San Diego Region Director and Past Regional Executive
  • SoPac Divisional Time Trials Administrator
Finance and Executive Leader
  • 32 years
  • VP Finance and CFO
  • CPA (inactive)

Summed up in one word, and with your support to represent Area 11 on the SCCA Board of Directors, stewardship - the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care, is what I will always strive for on behalf of the membership and our club.

Early on at an autocross, I overheard a member say, “I could move anywhere in the country and on any weekend make 100 new friends.” I can honestly say this is true and have made even more life-long friends both locally and around the country, and countless more memories within the SCCA community. This is what I believe is worth preserving, improving, and ensuring is passed on to the future, and the reason I am asking for your support and vote to be the SCCA Area 11 Director.

Coming into my past Regional Executive role, pre-COVID, and losing the site for our singular autocross program, it was a privilege to work with the membership and board to see the San Diego Region not only sustain itself, but grow into a vibrant region. The membership rebooted its autocross program with a new site and structure, and added on successful track day and time trials and road rally programs. Current Region Leadership are now engaged in developing alternate autocross sites and driving towards testing out a rallycross program. I am proud of the stewardship of our local Region and believe I can similarly add value and guidance to the broader SCCA organization.

Programs are the primary experience for our members, but their sustainment and growth require strategic direction, sound business practices and financial health. As a past CPA in public practice for 12 years, I worked with companies ranging from owner and venture backed startups to Fortune 500 companies. Having moved into private industry and business operations over the last 20 years, I currently serve as VP Finance and CFO for a large manufacturing enterprise. I intend to bring that breadth of experience, that I also applied to a local SCCA level, to ensure the continued success of the organization and to provide the means for sustaining and improving member experiences.

Thank you for your time and please remember to vote in the elections, it’s your club to guide!

My name is Jim Cantrell, and I am seeking the position of Area 11 Director.  I am a lifelong automotive enthusiast and have been a member of the SCCA since 2009.  I was born about ten miles from Riverside Raceway and grew up in Region 11, watching the great drivers compete in the golden era of the SCCA.  I am the Regional Executive for Arizona and have been on the region’s board since 2013.  I have experienced firsthand the effects of the economic downturn of 2008-2012 on racing and the SCCA in particular. I am motivated to improve the SCCA for its members, racers, solo competitors, and a new generation of auto enthusiasts.  As an organization, we have a tall order before us to capture an entirely new generation of enthusiasts into the SCCA while ensuring a solid future for the SCCA. 

I have the necessary experience to serve as an SCCA Director, having served on numerous boards and having built many for-profit and non-profit organizations in my career.  For the past three and a half decades, I have worked as an engineer and executive in the aerospace industry. I have helped start some of the most innovative companies, like SpaceX and Iceye, alongside numerous other startups.  I started my automotive engineering company, Vintage Exotics, in 2007.  I have also served on several national boards in space and nonprofit organizations. My experience working with large and small organizations undergoing external and internal change gives me a unique perspective on the problems facing the SCCA.  I assumed my role as Regional Executive of the Arizona Region in 2019 and led the region's turnaround to a thriving region with both road racing and rally cross programs.

My vision for the national level SCCA is to become even more customer-focused and continue developing its brand as the best amateur racing club in the world.   My vision for Region 11 is to leverage its assets, geographic locations, and unique ‘car culture’ demographics to fuel the SCCA growth and expand the quality and quantity of SCCA events in Area 11.  We have a large inventory of historic tracks and large enthusiastic driver populations.  We also have regions that used to be much more active but still have pent-up demand in their community for amateur motorsports events. 

As the national SCCA board, we must understand the next generation of drivers, what they will spend their hard-earned money and time on, and how to reach them.  Second, we have to be a friendly organization that is inclusive of new members and lowers the barriers to them becoming part of the larger SCCA family.  Third, we must have enough variety in events (road racing, bracket endurance, hill climbs, solo events, rallies, and HPDE track days) to appeal to the broadest possible segment of the next generation of drivers.  If we can crack that code and combine it with sane and logical safety rules and excellent customer service, our future in the SCCA will be very bright.

My promise to you, members of Area 11, is that if I have the privilege of serving as Director, I will represent every one of you on the national level, and I will work with National SCCA to attract the next generation of members to our SCCA family.

Jim Cantrell

Members of the Board of Directors in the midst of their terms include: 

  • Area 1 - Peter Schneider
  • Area 2 - Robert Lee Crawford, Jr.
  • Area 5 - Peter Jankovskis
  • Area 6 - Mark Weber
  • Area 7 - KJ Christopher
  • Area 8 - Clay Turner
  • Area 10 - Charles Dobbs
  • Area 12 - Steve Strickland
  • Area 13 - Jeff Zurschmeide