The 60th running of the SCCA® National Championship Runoffs® at VIRginia International Raceway on Sept. 23-Oct. 1, 2023, is barely a month away, but there’s a lot going on right now. Much like how you don’t (or shouldn’t) wait to perform your race car maintenance until you reach the paddock, you should also be planning ahead when it comes to key Runoffs items. For starters, single car paddock registration is about to jump into high gear, organizing the Block Party madness is switching into the “on” position, Runoffs ticket sales are awaiting your click, and driver registration fees are about to increase under your nose if you don’t act quickly.
There’s a lot to go through, so we’ll start with the most pressing matters.
Paddock Registration Opens Aug. 23
If you haven’t registered for the 2023 SCCA Runoffs at VIR yet, you need to hop to it, because single car paddock registration begins at 12 p.m. CT on Aug. 23.
Individuals who’ve already registered for the Runoffs get to choose their paddock spot on a first come, first served basis. The paddock spot selection process is a simple one, with paddock spaces reserved for single car teams via an interactive online paddock map. Be sure to login with the MSR profile that you registered your race entry with.
To ensure a smooth booking process, make sure you’re using a supported browser (Safari for iOS, Chrome for Android; on desktops, use Safari, Chrome, Firefox, IE 11, and newer). If you experience technical difficulties, please try closing and reopening a new browser.
For additional paddock parking questions, contact runoffs@scca.com; for technical issues, contact msrhelp@motorsportreg.com.
Runoffs Late Registration Fees Begin Sept. 1
Driver registration for the ’23 SCCA Runoffs opened on July 12, and since then, hundreds of racers have signed up for what is poised to be an epic return to VIR. Drivers who have already signed up for the ’23 Runoffs did so at the pre-late fee rate of $1,125. Come Sept. 1, however, that fee jumps $500 to $1,625, so registering soon is vital.
Not sure whether you’ve qualified for the Runoffs yet? As this chart illustrates, there are a variety of ways to qualify. Drivers battling their way into the National Championship event via the Hoosier Racing Tire SCCA Super Tour, U.S. Majors Tour, and Pro path can check their eligibility here. Note that the Hoosier Super Tour season is complete, as are the Southeast, Northern, Mid-States, Northeast, and Western Majors Conferences, with racers in the Southern Conference having one more weekend to earn that precious invite. Those qualifying via the Divisional path should check with their Division’s points keeper. If you’re still working on completing your qualification, you can register before the price increases and cancel without penalty by Sept. 13.
Still working out the logistics of attending the Runoffs? The event’s race schedule is available. There’s also some space left in the Runoffs test days, which you can register for when you sign up as a driver for the Runoffs.
Curious about grid, impound, fuel requirements, the Runoffs Appearance Fund, and more? The event’s Supplemental Regulations (albeit currently in draft form) are a great place to look.
Finally, as soon as you’re registered for the event, you’ll want to also sign up for these free contingency programs.
Runoffs Block Party
A unique aspect of the SCCA Runoffs is the Wednesday night Block Party. Born from Runoffs past, the concept is tried, true, and awesome: Wednesday is party night. Far from a solitary, organized gathering, Wednesday’s Block Party places a multitude of independent parties on a map, offering food and beverages to anyone who happens to stroll by, be they drivers, crew, or (especially) workers. Relax for a while, then cruise to the next party. It’s like hanging out in “downtown Runoffs,” party surfing into the night.
Not being “official,” start times will vary, but these parties are likely to kick off shortly after Wednesday’s final checkered flag. We’re estimating five to 10 parties spread across the Runoffs paddock, with separate gatherings hosted by SCCA Women on Track, New England Region, the Prod racers, and more!
Want to bring the Block Party to your paddock? If your Wednesday evening party is open to all workers, SCCA will put your party on the Block Party map – literally. Email Heyward Wagner at hwagner@scca.com to find out not only how your party can join this epic paddock-sized Wednesday night party, but how SCCA will assist you in making it happen.
Runoffs Spectator Tickets Available
Every Runoffs driver registration includes four crew members – beyond that, overcrew credentials are available for a fee in the driver registration form. Additionally, anyone can purchase spectator tickets, but SCCA members receive 20-percent off, as do Hagerty Drivers Club members (head to Hagerty for more info on that).
To purchase tickets, click the link below that applies to you:
- Spectator tickets discounted for SCCA members (20 percent discount)
- General Runoffs spectator tickets
Want To Know More?
That was a lot of information, but there’s still more to know. For that, click the link below.
Photo by Jon Krolewicz / Staff