Buy one car, do all the things – that’s what Club Spec’s all about. A Club Spec car is fun, easy to own, and (importantly) easy to purchase. Topping it off, performance packages for Club Spec cars are affordable, attractive, and improve the ownership experience. Whether you’re participating in SCCA Autocross, Time Trials, RoadRally or RallyCross (with more in the works), or you’re taking a Sunday drive, Club Spec is the answer. Interest piqued? Your adventure begins by clicking below. 

Do All The Things

Club Spec cars are eligible for most SCCA events, including Road Rally, Autocross and — with appropriate safety — Track Events, Time Trials and HillClimb. And, that's just the beginning. With sights set on the future, we expect the list of eligible events to continue growing, right along with class numbers and category interest. 

Step 1: Enter zip code: 

Step 2: Select event types 

Club Spec



A scenic drive with a purpose. Grab a friend and see the sights driving a precise route in a set amount time. 


Autocross (Solo)

Take a large parking lot, make a mini road course and see who can get through it quickest. 


Like autocross, but on dirt. Speeds and danger is minimized—fun is maximized. 

Track Events 

No clocks. No racing. Just you and some friends enjoying the thrill of speed.

Time Trials

The ultimate test of speed on a race track. How fast can you go on a clean lap of a circuit?


A Time Trial with standing starts and flying finishes, held on closed public roads.