Date: May 18, 2024
Stuttgart municipal airport
2000 Airport RD, Stuttgart, AR, 72160-7306
In addition to a full day of professional performance driving instruction, the $265 Starting Line Package includes:
- SCCA Track Night in America Event Entry Coupon - $150 Value
- SCCA Tire Rack National Tour Event Entry - $140 Value (not valid for ProSolo Finale or Tire Rack SCCA Solo Nationals)
- Regional Event Entry - $20-40 Value
- Starting Line Hat
- Grassroots Motorsports Magazine Subscription
- $15 off and free shipping coupon code for a Snell approved motorsports helmet
The Tire Rack SCCA Starting Line School is a partnership between the Sports Car Club of America and Tire Rack to give automotive enthusiasts at every level a professional, all-inclusive entry into the sport of performance driving and the chance to have some fun with their car.
The full-day school introduces key concepts applicable to performance driving and offers participants the opportunity to develop motorsports skills while working with professional performance driving instructors.
Instructors teach:
- Vehicle dynamics
- Traction management
- Vision and control
- Tips and techniques custom tailored to match your needs and ability level
For detailed information, school calendar/locations, autocross FAQ's and more, visit the Tire Rack Starting Line website: Starting Line Info.
SCCA Annual membership and Annual Waiver are required and will be offered during the registration process.
Stuttgart municipal airport
2000 Airport RDStuttgart, AR 72160-7306