Photos by Jon Krolewicz, Philip Royle, Kristen Poole, Jeff Loewe, Andy Shultz, Andie Albin, Langlee Clark, Brandy Wiggans, Eric Peachey, Rick Cone, Kelsey Karanges, Karen Thomas, Danny Gross and Andrew Aul.
The JXB folks brought their party a-game to the event - including this "autocross" Thursday night for the electric scooter - complete with cones and wireless timing.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Julian Garfield may have racked up five wins at Nationals, but this year, he lassoed his first Championship in C Street!
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
They've got the horsepower! Our Thursday/Friday class champions celebrated their wins at the banquet.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Another year, another KM podium in which Larry "Lefty" MacLeod comes out on top.
photo by Philip Royle
photo by Philip Royle
ASL driver Shelly Monfort gets a pep talk from long-time friend and codriver Ken Mollenauer before claiming the A Street Ladies Championship and Top Ladies Index honors.
photo by Philip Royle
photo by Philip Royle
This isn't deja vu, the RX-8 known as Riley is back on top of DSP! New owner Rob Pendergest claims his first Championship in dramatic fashion by also taking Top PAX honors.
photo by Andy Shultz
photo by Andy Shultz
Wait, you're telling us we could've filled our tire sprayers in the watering hole?
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

One after another, Club Spec MX-5s and Club Spec Mustangs pulled on to the Test-n-Tune course at Lincoln Airpark as part of the Club Spec Demo Day held during the 2024 Tire Rack SCCA Solo National Championships.
photo by Philip Royle
photo by Philip Royle
Kevin Dietz doesn’t do 'subtle'—just check out his decked-out golf cart! But he’s also not shy about using high-tech tools for himself. Here he is, diving into virtual reality between runs to sharpen his driving game.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
With precision driving mistakes are made, and cones need to be wrangled.
photo by Andy Shultz
photo by Andy Shultz
Laurie McCelvey was decked out and more than ready for the STRL rodeo at Solo Nats.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Ashley Weaver was this year's Mazda Motorsports recipient of the Wendi Allen scholarship from SCCA Women on Track. Ashley put the scholarship to use, and in a new (to her) car, brought home 2nd in CSPL.
photo by Jeff Loewe
photo by Jeff Loewe

We like long walks on the concrete beach with 1300 of our closest friends.
photo by Jeff Loewe
photo by Jeff Loewe

Evan Williams' cooling techniques helped him to take home his first National Championship in a 19-car GS field.
photo by Karen Thomas
photo by Karen Thomas
The Sunset Remembrance Toast, annually held Wednesday night at Solo Nats, is an emotional gathering where the community joins together to remember those we've lost, but who will always be part of SCCA’s spirit.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
What's better than a podium finish? When you and your fast friend podium toogether! Codrivers Johanna Griest and Holly Schwedler went 1-2 in ESPL!
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
What'le it be partner?" The SCCA National Road Racing staff loaded up the wagons and headed north to Lincoln to do some bartending during the Monday night welcome party.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Have you hugged your Mazda today?
photo by Eric Peachey
photo by Eric Peachey

A bromance made in Lincoln.
photo by Andie Albin
photo by Andie Albin
The Women on Track Brunch fostered a strong sense of community and inspired attendees to empower more women to get involved in the sport.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Plus one.
photo by Jeff Loewe
photo by Jeff Loewe
Karen Thomas and Layne Lindemann, the 2nd and 3rd place finishers in X Prepared Ladies, are all smiles as they mosey on over to the trophy presentation Wednesday on the West course!
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole
Tara Shapowal-Lau gets in the zone before coming in 7th in XP, finishing just ahead of codriver and husband Steve Lau.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Waiting on grid before the run—just one last step before this ride is ready to roll.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Boy howdy, #solonatshasended.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Now that's a creative cowboy (or girl!).
photo by Langlee Clark
photo by Langlee Clark
James Yom does a "zen run" in grid between runs before claiming his 6th National Championship.
photo by Philip Royle
photo by Philip Royle
It's tradition. Whether it's a finger touch, a high five, a fist bump, or an embrace, competitors congratulate each other at the end of a ProSolo Challenge Round. In this case, it's the final pairing of Sam Mayorga and Jason Bucki.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

In the class' inaugural Nationals, you Club Spec Mustang Ladies winner was Carla Russo, her first win in 19 Nationals appearances!
photo by Jeff Loewe
photo by Jeff Loewe
Gold foil ain't just a heat shield—it's the perfect way to add a little extra sparkle to your engine bay, just like a shiny spur on a cowboy's boot!
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole
Keeping the surface at the Lincoln Air Park in tip top shape is hard work, but it sure is appreciated by the competitors.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Wild Wild West" was the theme for the 51st Tire Rack SCCA® Solo® National Championships, and lots of attendees made the most of that premise throughout the Lincoln Airpark paddock Sept. 3-6, 2024.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Come for the cars, stay for the... food? Monday and Tuesday night both featured lavish meals prepared by competitors. Monday night's Chuckwagon Challenge was a raving success as fares from seven regions were sampled by all.
photo by Philip Royle
photo by Philip Royle
Cars in the Solo Nats paddock are stickered up with endless Confucius-esque idioms of wisdom, including this one that we think you can all relate to... even if it's just a little.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

There’s never a shortage of delicious, smoked meats at Solo Nats. The edible highlight of Tuesday's Cone Down Hoedown was a pair of smoked hogs prepared by the Rust Belt paddock... which were cleaned down to the bones.
photo by Kelsey Karanges
photo by Kelsey Karanges
The Canadians known how to cool off in Lincoln's late summer heat!
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole
Caitlin Dunlap says she became a real Street Prepared driver this week when she had to be towed off course due to a broken front hub. Despite that challenge, she earned Rothney-Kozlak Cup honors by being the top finishing woman in an Open Championship class.
photo by Jeff Loewe
photo by Jeff Loewe
Be it planes or cars, everything is flying around Lincoln Airpark during the Tire Rack SCCA Solo Nationals in Nebraska’s capital city.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Velma Boreen and Linda Duncan, previous Women on Track Executive Committee Chairs, brought some cowgirl spirit - and big ol' smiles - to Monday’s Women on Track brunch.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Xtreme Street rules say that you have to have a passenger seat. When Mat Beck registered with his road racing car, he had to improvise for his car to be compliant. Of course, Woody tagging along fit both the improvised seat and event theme.
photo by Kelsey Karanges
photo by Kelsey Karanges
FSL had all the fun things to celebrate in grid, including a surprise engagement party for Jessie Bistrais!
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Tamra Krystinik didn't have the Nationals she planned, but took every opportunity to do her best, reviewing data from her broken BMod before catching a ride in a competitor's car.
photo by Philip Royle
photo by Philip Royle

For a 15th year, autocrossers from around the country converged at Lincoln Airpark for the 51st Tire Rack SCCA Solo National Championships.
photo by Philip Royle
photo by Philip Royle
nuff said.
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole
Chris "Pru" Pruett came to Nationals 19 times, and wore ALL of his wristbands each year. After his untimely passing this past summer, his wife, Lorie, and daughter, Grace, came out to Nationals to meet "Chris' people." Lorie wore his wristband collection proudly.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
The wind blows hard here in the west, partner, best do what you can to take advantage.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Smack dab in America’s Heartland, the Tire Rack SCCA Solo National Championship has been hosted in Nebraska’s capital city for 15 years.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Texas Region/Spokes sure knows how to cool down! Take a dip and rest a spell.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

You've heard of a cat back exhaust... but what about a cat interior wrap?
photo by Kelsey Karanges
photo by Kelsey Karanges
Did 2024 D Street National Champ Mark Daddio haul in too many tires? Not in these here parts—there’s always room for more!
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

This sunset takes Top PAX of all the sunset photos.
photo by Andy Shultz
photo by Andy Shultz
EP competitor Bill Bounds put his Honda Del Sol on a diet during Solo Nationals, losing more than 300 lbs. of parts during the week, assisted by the new composit "paper fiber" (AKA carboard) as his decklid.
photo by Philip Royle
photo by Philip Royle

Mark Scroggs was named the 2024 Driver of Eminence Wednesday evening. A former Chairman of the Solo Events Board, Scroggs has five National Championships to his name and is known for his sportsmanship, dedication, and unselfishness.
photo by Jeff Loewe
photo by Jeff Loewe
The SCCA Staff literally bought into the Club Spec class, with Rick Myers, Eric Prill, Andrew Benagh (and probably others) all pitching in to make sure it was on grid for the National Championship. Jon Krolewicz drove it to the class's first win, and his first in 20 trips to Nationals.
photo by Andy Shultz
photo by Andy Shultz
Noise: it's what's for breakfast.
photo by Philip Royle
photo by Philip Royle
SCCA multi-championship winner Jeff Altenburg took a couple of decade hiatus off of National-level autocrossing to win a bunch of pro races and pro championships but was back this year in a B-street Toyota Supra and as the "5-car" guy on grid.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
When you can't get enough racing - Tire Rack Solo Nationals Autocross by day and Virtual Reality Sim Racing at night.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Bandits were certainly part of the old West, and this particular Annie Oakley always steals our hearts.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
From spurs to sneakers—there was a whole range of footwear for every kind of cowboy at the Wild Wild West Solo Nationals!
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole
Numbers are important. For instance, there have been more than 42,200 entries over the 51 years of Solo Nats.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Well, I'll be! Is that the real Woody Pride ridin' into town?
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole

Lafawnduh's splitter served as both a dining table and a pillow at this year's Solo Nats. Now that's versatility!
photo by Andie Albin
photo by Andie Albin
Road Trip Racing recreated the toll booth from "Blazing Saddles" as part of their Chuckwagon Challenge Party entry. Who brought their dimes?
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Alex Pankiw freewheelin’ and three-wheelin’ a Mini Cooper in H Street.
photo by Jeff Loewe
photo by Jeff Loewe
Data review pays off! Jordan Towns finished first in STRL, and codriver Linda Duncan drops 1.7 seconds on her last run.
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole
Lots of people kicked up their cowboy boots and settled in for an exciting shindig at this year's Solo Nats.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Off into the sunset, cowboy style.
photo by Andy Shultz
photo by Andy Shultz
If at first you don’t rope the steer, keep on ridin’! After 19 years on this trail, Kinch Reindle finally wrangled his first National Championship victory.
photo by Andy Shultz
photo by Andy Shultz
Heyward Wagner, SCCA’s Vice President of Rally/Solo and Experiential Programs, surveys the herd during a trophy presentation Wednesday.
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole
This Solo bandit concealed his identity from the hot Nebraska sun while he surveyed the concrete prarie.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Oldest car competing at Tire Rack Solo Nationals? The very highly modified 1927 Ford "Franken-T" competed in CAM-S.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Jordan Towns hopped in Howard and Linda Duncan's STR-prepped Mazda MX-5 and rode to victory in no time, clinching the STRL Championship with a 0.723-second margin of triumph!
photo by Jeff Loewe
photo by Jeff Loewe
Look at me, don't look at the cars" - Pippa Pertzsch, probably.
photo by Philip Royle
photo by Philip Royle
Visualize. Ivy Chang does an imaginary drive through the course from the driver's seat of her F Street Ford Mustang Mach 1.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Open wide an say Ah!"- Clyde Caplan's F Street Camaro shows the goods in impound.
photo by Philip Royle
photo by Philip Royle
The committee that makes it happen! The Women on Track Solo Committee takes a photo opportunity during this year's Brunch event.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
STS driver Austin Hampton found the perfect place to store his helmet between runs. He's got quite the sticker collection going!
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Corner workers have to be ready to move fast at a moment's notice. We're thankful for all of you!
photo by Jeff Loewe
photo by Jeff Loewe
Spinny spinny makes the FMod go!
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Future autocrosser Scarlett Thomas finally got to skip school and accompany her parents Karen and Jeremiah (not pictured) Thomas to her first Solo Nationals!
photo by Rick Cone
photo by Rick Cone
There are lots of creative ways to cool down engines between runs. This supercharger opted for a cool shower.
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole

A hug from hubby is the best way to celebrate your first National Championship, at least for Shelby Redding. She made good use of her Wendi Allen Scholarship this year!
photo by Philip Royle
photo by Philip Royle
New SCCA Staffer Langlee King Clark and her dad Will King analyze data between between her runs in C Street Ladies before Will wheeled the car in C Street later in the day. Both went on to win trophies!
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole
Malcolm and Jacqueline Lawson share a moment before Malcolm takes to the course at the ProSolo Finale
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Mazda Mania as far as the eye can see!
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole
This little fella made a friend during Monday night's Chuckwagon Challenge!
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole
Beer here! – and there, and there, and over there, too, at Solo Nats.
photo by Philip Royle
photo by Philip Royle
You've been warned.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
It took two cars, but Lisa Berry took home the win in Street Modified Ladies over sister Christine Grice.
photo by Philip Royle
photo by Philip Royle
A pair of shoeys for a pair of codrivers, Matt Jones and Danny Gross, going 1-2 in FSP.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Solo Nats: The only place where traffic cones can crush your hopes and dreams.
photo by Andy Shultz
photo by Andy Shultz
Robert Lewis made it triple, backing up his '22 and '23 National Championships with a dominating win in CP, enough to take his second Top PAX award.
photo by Jeff Loewe
photo by Jeff Loewe
Jason Bucki takes a sprayer bath while drinking a shoey to celebrate his ProSolo Super Challenge victory.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Jessica Yeung keeps her sights set ahead as she gears up for the D Street Prepared showdown
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole
Cars weren’t the only things air cooled this year at the Wild West-themed Tire Rack SCCA Solo National Championships.
photo by Philip Royle
photo by Philip Royle

Wednesday night, the first round of SCCA Solo National Champions saddled up and hit the stage for some well-deserved fanfare and celebration!
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Nick Gruendler eyes fellow XP competitor Josh Hatchett, who heads to course.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
It's all about perspective.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Chad Stoughton rolled through Solo Town on the one-and-only, battery-powered Kart Modified Electric sled that ran exhibition laps Tuesday and Wednesday.
photo by Philip Royle
photo by Philip Royle
Without grid workers, Solo Nats would be more chaos than stampede—they keep it all running like clockwork!
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole
Most autocrossers do... right?
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
You're a pink pony girl, and you dance at Solo Nats.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Ain't no rain on this parade! Lincoln showed us her best weather through the week for Solo Nationals.
photo by Andrew Aul
photo by Andrew Aul
Nicole Wong not only claimed her 13th Championship this week, in SSPL, but also took Top Ladies Index honors.
photo by Andy Shultz
photo by Andy Shultz
Now that right there is one trusty sidekick, partner!
photo by Brandy Wiggans
photo by Brandy Wiggans

This is absolutely not what the song was talking about.
photo by Andie Albin
photo by Andie Albin
Winning a brand new Champions jacket doesn't get you out of helping you codrivers when its their turn to play. That OPR needs to be scraped!
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Sprayer showers! Mark Canekeratne brings home the win in ESP by 0.613 over AJ Whitaker.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Darian Taggart was on a high heading into the final runs in STX, but one competitor soared just a bit higher, landing Taggart in second place.
photo by Philip Royle
photo by Philip Royle
Morgan Lee of Sydney, Australia launches his D Street Subaru BRZ at the Tire Rack ProSolo Finale. Lee was awarded the Hagerty "Keeping It Cool Award" for adding shoey fun to the Solo Nationals podiums.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Even the toughest outlaws get a little wide-eyed when they realize they've struck gold. Here's Kasey Gitner, caught in pure disbelief after claiming the D Street Ladies National Championship title!
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Winning the trophies is fun and all, but it's what you do with them after that matters most.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Carmen Rowlands, Timing Chief, dons her lanyard during Monday afternoon's Chiefs Meeting.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

No, this was not one of the two pigs that were smoked during Tuesday's Conedown Hoedown. A different type of pig, entirely.
photo by Danny Gross
photo by Danny Gross
Hollis Tattershall practices her apex skills as mom and dad get loaded up for the trip home.
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole
There's your name, then there's what everybody actually calls you...
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
We've heard of a 10-gallon hat, but Solo Nats is so big Mustang driver Tim Mason brought his 20-gallon hat to the F-Street rodeo.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Staffers Jon Krolewicz and Blair Deffenbaugh tip their hats to a job well done, celebrating their 1st- and 4th-place finishes on the inaugural Club Spec MX-5 podium!
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole

XPL competitor Karen Thomas reviews data between runs on the West Course.
photo by Philip Royle
photo by Philip Royle
photo by Andy Shultz
photo by Andy Shultz
Keith Roberts fought adversity and made every effort to get his FMod repaired in grid. It got running just in time to make his first and final run, enough to earn him a 4th place trophy. The effort left him with nothing at the end of the heat.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Julie Heaton takes the STS class photo after eldest son, Riley, takes his 2nd Championship
photo by Philip Royle
photo by Philip Royle
Sarah Miles drove her GT4 to a commanding XAL win, putting her Wendi Allen Scholarship to good use this year! She and husband Ryan are expecting their first child in February.
photo by Andy Shultz
photo by Andy Shultz
Country-western line dancing - Solo Nationals impound style.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
How many autocrossers does it take to scrape OPR off a tire? Turns out, it’s a full pit crew effort!
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Did you check off all the stops at Monday's Chuckwagon Challenge?
photo by Langlee Clark
photo by Langlee Clark
The tire cleaning area is a great place to clean some of the "other peoples' rubber" off your tires. All donations go to the SCCA Foundation, so it's a win-win!
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole
Now do-si-do!
photo by Jeff Loewe
photo by Jeff Loewe
photo by Jeff Loewe
photo by Jeff Loewe
Kevin and Dee Dietz fully embrace the Solo Nats theme every year by decorating their golf cart. For the Wild West-theme, they went all out and crafted a old-timey stagecoach with wagon wheels that lit up at night.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

The sun has set on the Wild West-themed 51st Tire Rack SCCA Solo National Championships. Mark your calendars for next year: September 1-5, 2025.
photo by Andie Albin
photo by Andie Albin
Stack 'em deep...and have fun doin' it.
photo by Philip Royle
photo by Philip Royle
Solo Nats 'horsebacks' may look a little different, but a steed is a steed!
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Reviewing video is a core part of autocross competition, and what better way to do it than with friends?
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
As the sun dipped below the dusty horizon, the Wild Wild Solo Nats transformed into a stage for outlaws emerging from the shadows.
photo by Jeff Loewe
photo by Jeff Loewe
An autocross family that plays together, stays together.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz
Lots of western lassoing went down this year. Some of it was for amusement, but darn near 1,300 attendees were also trying to lasso a red Solo Championship jacket.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz