As the clock ticked into the New Year, SCCA’s Team Enduro program was undergoing an evolution to bring endurance racing to more SCCA Regions through a flexible and customizable ruleset. These revitalized rules would target not only a low barrier to entry, but also ease the logistical difficulty for Regions hoping to host an SCCA Team Enduro. The resulting updated 2023 SCCA Team Enduro rules have now been approved by the SCCA Board of Directors and are available for Regions and drivers to utilize.
“For the past year, we’ve been working on what this program looks like in the hands of the Regions, and we’ve created a document that reads more like our traditional rulebooks,” explained Jon Krolewicz, Senior Manager of Regional Track Program Development and chairman of the SCCA Enduro Racing Board. “For drivers and teams, the information is organized into driver eligibility, vehicle eligibility/requirements, sporting regulations and, if the event is running them, the National classing.”
The SCCA Team Enduro rules not only broaden the ability for Regions to host endurance races, but they also allow for participants from other series to easily enter with existing competition vehicles, assuming those race cars meet SCCA Road Racing safety standards. In addition, the rules formalize SCCA’s National classes for SCCA Team Enduro events.
Equally as important are the two appendixes outlining what a Region needs to do to host an SCCA Team Enduro, from procedures to staffing and administration.
“When an SCCA Region commits to renting a track for an event, it’s a big investment in time and resources,” Krolewicz noted. “Region leaders have to be confident they can successfully host one of these SCCA Team Enduro events, so we’ve focused on creating a step-by-step guide for what they need and how they can include SCCA Team Enduro as part of their events. This will enable more events across the country and a better SCCA Team Enduro program for those on track and trackside.”
SCCA Regions interested in hosting an SCCA Team Enduro as a standalone event or alongside an existing program are encouraged to contact Krolewicz at jkrolewicz@scca.com.
The updated SCCA Team Enduro rules can be found below, or by going to SCCA’s Enduro webpage.
Photo by Jeff Loewe