Check Out Latest Additions to “Hoosier Shop Manual” Video Series

Thanks to support from Hoosier Racing Tire, SCCA® has produced another round of “Hoosier Shop Manual” videos. This series takes a gander at just some of the ways Club members have fun with cars, and how easy it is to get started. Each short video provides a glimpse into a competition activity and a specific way to get involved. All the Hoosier Shop Manual videos can be viewed on here or YouTube here.

These videos have been created to help automotive enthusiasts gain a better grasp of the SCCA member experience. The hope is SCCA Regions and individual members use these videos as a tool for explaining just what SCCA is all about and what the Club offers to those who want to have fun with cars. With these videos, Regions now have an online destination where prospective members can learn more from those actually taking part in specific SCCA motorsport activities.

Jump online and take a look today!