2016 Tire Rack Lincoln ProSolo 5toGo

Register for the Lincoln ProSolo!

As Memorial Day rolls around this year, it’s time once again for the second best event behind Nationals itself, Spring Nationals and the Lincoln ProSolo! Once again, you wonderful people get the opportunity to visit the Autocross Mecca of the U.S. As if you really needed explanation, here are 5 reasons you need to be there:

1. Practice for Nationals on the Nationals surface! This one hasn’t changed and is still clearly the best reason to make the trip out early in the year. As great as having fantastic local sites can be, nothing can prepare you better for Lincoln than testing on the surface itself. Well aged concrete, large open spaces.

2. Practice for Nationals! Nationals Karaoke that is! Unless your head has been in the sand, you by now know that karaoke is a thing. Not just a world wide thing, it's an Autocross thing! Karaoke at Grandmother's has become a tradition over the last few years, with Wednesday Night at Nationals boasting 50+ people taking over the bar. Sadly, Grandmother's has closed it's musical doors for the last time. Van Townsend and Tom Reynolds are now hard at work looking for your next musical hangout in Lincoln. The current front runner might be Luckie’s on the other side of the airport from site. This hole in the wall offers a great selection of songs, tasty BBQ and a decor that can only be described as "High School Cafeteria." These things all make Luckie's a prime spot for training before the Big Show in September.

3. Two event weekend. How can you turn down 4 days of autocross when one of those days is a paid National Holiday? It's like we planned that or something. The ProSolo starts off with a pair of courses designed by Mike Brausen (me!), most recently known for the 2015 Pro Finale course. This course promises to be more involved and technical thanks to a lower number of entrants and less risk of time delays. As has become tradition with the Spring Nationals Tours, one course will be a prior year Nationals course in reverse. The other will be a new course designed by John Hunter who will also be designing one of your 2016 Nationals course. This is your chance to get a feel for one of the two course designers in advance.

4. Food. The food makes the list for the second year in a row. D'Leon's Mexican is still a must try of Lincoln sporting it's beautiful trailer park background and tip cup tapped to the outside wall. However the recent discovery is a new hot spot called Toast. If you haven't heard, then maybe you have seen the wing of XP driver Thomas Thompson who likes the place so much, he put it on his car. You can't beat advertisement like that. Another "must try" is Red Fox on O-Street. Offering the "Big Cheese" Cheeseburger that consists of a burger patty between two grilled cheese sandwiches for just $8.99, it's a weeks worth of calories in one meal.

5. What else do you have to do? Sure, you could be out spending time with family over the holidays, but why? What could be better than getting a nice tan, enjoying a beer and watching some cones fly with one of the best groups of people most of us have ever had the pleasure of meeting. It doesn't get much better. See you there!