5toGo: Atlanta Match Tour

Click Here to Register for the Atlanta Match Tour

1. The Match Tour crew has learned a lot about executing the revised rules in Wilmington. With a number of fixes sorted out, the updated Match Tour will be better than it's ever been!

2. Besides Dixie, this is the only other "SEDIV" Tour. There are not a lot of chances to run a Tour in the Southeast, and this is your last one for a while. Come out, have fun and get your car sorted against some of the best in the division and beyond.

3. Daly's Grill is some of the best on-site food in the country. John Daly has been serving brats and beef to the Atlanta Region for almost 10 years (and before that, the US Navy) and anyone who has tried it will vouch for how tasty the brisket is. No need to leave site to try to find food when there's stuff this good just a few steps from grid.

4. Did I mention we're in a stadium parking lot where tailgating is allowed (after we're done with class competition, of course)?

5. The Saturday welcome party will be awesome! The ATL Brotherhood has been working on it's party program for a decade now and will have the Saturday night party on lockdown. Bring your favorite brew and celebrate the day with great food and friends while we hand out awards and freebies!

Here's a great video of the site and a course setup by the Tour designer, Randall Rutledge:

If you have any questions about the site or our sound policy, please email the event chair, Randall Prince.