Course Worker Guidelines By the Solo Safety Committee The Solo Events Board asked the Solo Safety Committee to develop a set of Course Worker Guidelines -- to make sure that we’re all on the same page when it comes to what we expect of our course workers.  So, here goes: - Down and out rule - make sure all workers understand it - You’re there to work - no cameras, cell phone calls, or music at worker stations and minimal idle chatter - On your feet when cars are on the course - Photographer (with spotter) should not be placed at worker station - Stay hydrated -- alternate between water and Gatorade if possible - Never turn your back on the cars - Spread out -- use a satellite worker if necessary – not at the outside of turns - “Own” a section of the course - Watch the cars pass and follow them with your eyes- this catches cones that just move a little - Hustle to reset cones and get back to your worker position - Watch out for each other -- every worker is every other worker’s “spotter” - Worker with radio should also have red flag - flag unfurled and held against pole - If you have to red flag a car, be prepared to tell the driver why and how to proceed off-course - Carry a fire bottle cradled in your arms like it’s a baby -- not flailing loosely about where it can smack you in the shins - To use a fire bottle, pull the pin -- aim nozzle at base of flames -- squeeze handle -- and sweep back and forth (P-A-S-S) - Methanol fires require water, not traditional fire bottles.  Hard to “see” a methanol fire in the daylight -- blue flames.