(Looking for an inside line on the Club? “Inside the SCCA” is a podcast that features interviews with the Club’s leading personalities, but it’s not owned by SCCA®. Instead, it’s an independent media outlet managed by Rule 15 Productions and hosted by longtime SCCA member and journalist Brian Bielanski. He uses the Club’s name with permission.)
Longtime SCCA member Mark Weber joins podcast host Brian Bielanski on this week’s episode of Inside the SCCA. Mark’s been a motorsports photographer for as long as anyone can remember, and has been racing for more than 50 years, with more than 60 SCCA National Championship Runoffs® race starts under his belt. In 2022, Mark was inducted into the SCCA Hall of Fame, and in 2023, he joined SCCA’s Board of Directors. On this episode, Mark talks about life behind the wheel, behind the lens, and behind the scenes of the SCCA.
Listen below or click here.
You can also watch the video version of the show below.
Photo by Adam Brooks