These 3 Regions Benefited from the Region Development Grant, and Yours Can Too

Funding for any project is difficult to come by, especially when you’re a volunteer organization operating on a shoestring budget. But it needn’t be that way – and thanks to the SCCA Foundation, Regions within the Sports Car Club of America® have access to a grant that can help turn program initiatives into reality via the Region Development Grant. This grant program helps fund Region projects that serve the greater good, with applications being accepted on a quarterly basis – and the next deadline is nearly upon us.

The deadline for the next SCCA Foundation Region Development Grant is Nov. 30, 2023, with recipients of this round of grants being announced by Jan. 31, 2024. The application process is simple, with every Region encouraged to apply.

We’ll get to how your Region can apply in a moment – but right now, we want to tell you about grant recipients from the last round of funding.

Recent Recipients

The Region Development Grant has been utilized by numerous Regions since its launch in July 2022, with Cincinnati, North Carolina, and New England Regions most recently benefiting from SCCA Foundation’s program.

Both Cincinnati and New England Regions applied for funding for CPR and/or AED equipment and training for members of their Region for use at Solo events, should the need arise. Both Regions received funding from the Region Development Grant to help make their events safer for everyone on site.

North Carolina Region’s annual scholarship program awards $1,000 to each of five high school seniors who reside in North Carolina, the SCCA North Carolina Region geographical area, or are a member of North Carolina Region, with the scholarship paid directly to an accredited school the student will be attending in the fall. North Carolina Region received Region Development Grant funding to assist with travel expenses that North Carolina Region members incur while traveling to high schools to promote the Region’s academic scholarship program.

Your Region Should Apply Too

Cincinnati, North Carolina, and New England Regions received the most recent Region Development Grant funding – and your Region could be next. But there are several things to consider before applying.

The Region Development Grant program supplies Regions with up to $2,500 in assistance and is designed to provide supplemental funding by the SCCA Foundation for qualified programs. An eligible Region program must have an educational or charitable purpose consistent with the mission and purpose of the SCCA.

For example, a Region may need funding for an exhibit space at an auto show to educate the public about teen safe driving and SCCA activities. In addition to or as an alternative to promoting the Tire Rack Street Survival program, there might be educational flyers providing safe driving tips, suggestions for ways parents might help their teens to learn to drive safely, and opportunities to build driving skills at local SCCA events. Generally speaking, applications for the purchase of equipment or facilities that are not dedicated to the charitable or educational program are unlikely to qualify.

In evaluating a grant, the selection committee will give the most attention and focus to projects which meet the following criteria:

- Educational or charitable purpose.
- Open to or benefiting the general public and not just Club members.
- It is innovative or demonstrates need.
- It is backed by a detailed project management plan that includes a description of the request, a project schedule, and specific project management.
- The majority of project funding is coming from other sources.

Region Development Grants are not intended to fully fund a Region project. Therefore, Regions should be prepared to indicate in their application the cost of the project, the Region investment in the project, other contribution sources, and the amount needed from the Foundation.

Regions not ready to apply this time around will have quarterly opportunities throughout the year, with application deadlines being Feb. 28, May 31, Aug. 31, and Nov. 30 of each year.

 Grant Details     Apply Now