Board Seeks Immediate Input on Club Racing Topics

TOPEKA, Kan. (Aug. 23, 2010) €“ SCCA€™s Board of Directors is seeking input on proposals dealing with the Club Racing program detailed in the September 2010 Fastrack® News, available now at is sought on the topics of Runoffs qualification process for 2011 and beyond as well as the class structure in National racing. Specific details are available in the first two pages of the Fastrack, available at addition to the input sought, the Board revealed that it would not grant waivers to classes falling below the current 2.5 cars per race participation rule in the General Competition Rules for 2011. This position means that classes not protected in the GCR due to an incubator period that fall below 2.5 cars per race in 2010 will be placed on probation for 2011. The incubator classes are: STO, STU, FE and F1000, which all began in 2007. The full text of this section of the GCR is in Article 9.1.12.Input on the proposals is being collected through the normal Club Racing Board method, at