How Randy Pobst Is Spending His Summer (Hint: Come To Targa)

Randy Pobst has done it all. It’s true; give him a quick google if you don’t believe it. He’s won more championships than most of us could ever dream of in SCCA Solo, Club Racing, and Pro Racing, won Rolexes (the real ones, Solo Street Tourers) and he was recently inducted into the SCCA Hall of Fame. So what does someone so decorated and accomplished do for fun in his off-time?

Have fun driving cars, of course. That’s why he’s an SCCA member.

This summer season he’s been seen at a few Track Night in America events, taking some laps and meeting others who love driving just as much as he does. Most recently, Pobst participated in SCCA’s Bracket Enduro program in Florida.

“I happened to be in Florida and I knew about the event, so went over there and a couple of friends of mine let me drive their cars. That’s so easy for me. You can just walk up and race,” Pobst said of his experience.

To be clear, it’s not that exceptions were made for the SCCA Hall of Famer. It’s always that easy for anyone to participate in Bracket Enduro, Track Night, and now SCCA’s Targa as well. You know that mobile phone company commercial where the celebrity thinks they’re getting a deal, but they say it’s open to everyone? It’s that, except we actually mean it.

So, what does it take to hang with “regular guy” Randy Pobst? Sign up for SCCA’s inaugural Targa Southland, August 11-14.

Targa is a three-day SCCA motorsports extravaganza comprised of autocross, track, and road rally events in three different states in the southeast.

Never one to back down from a challenge, especially an endurance challenge, Randy Pobst grabbed a buddy and signed up.

“I’m excited because it’s a brand new thing,” Pobst said. “I’m doing it with a good friend of mine, Jason Owens. Jason and I have partnered up for a lot of these endurance races in a Volvo I have that’s called the Happy Moose. (editor’s note – yes, it has a Prancing Moose decal on it.)”

What aspect of Targa is the do-it-all most excited for? Not surprisingly, the element he hasn’t yet participated in.

“There’s a rally element and neither Jason nor I know anything about that,” Pobst said. “We’ll just try to wing it and see what happens there. It’s going to be an adventure and a challenge. It’s going to be difficult because we’re doing it in little car with minimal creature comforts.”

Minimal creature comforts, like no heated seats or cup holders, which will be standard in this three-day activity for licensed street cars? Not exactly.

“This car is called an Exocet. It’s basically a tube frame that you bolt Miata running gear to. There’s no top, windows, or doors… There’s a minimal wind screen.”

He’s got his motorcycle rain gear in case some weather comes his way, and the helmet he plans to wear the whole time should keep at least some of the bugs out of his face. It’s all part of what’s sure to be a great story.

After all the awards and trophies, Pobst seems to value the experience and camaraderie of these events the most.

“It’s the whole endurance aspect of doing all these car events all together over the whole weekend. It’s the variety, the challenge of doing and event, packing up, and heading off to do something else. It’s like an obstacle course for driving cars. To me, it sounds like a lot of fun!”

Always one of the last to leave the paddock, Pobst loves the social aspect of event almost as much as driving. Events like Bracket Enduro and Targa bring people who love not only watching motorsports, but experiencing them together. Pobst always leaves events having made many new friends from all over. You’d be hard-pressed to find someone having a better time on the track and in the paddock than Randy Pobst.

If you want to hang with Randy, the upcoming SCCA Targa event is a great opportunity. Just grab a partner and sign up for Targa Southland August 11-14!


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