Safety Advice from the Battered and Bruised

Spend enough time in the garage or around cars and you will end up with some cuts and bruises as a result. That’s normal and expected. But safety precautions can help you avoid more serious injuries. You don’t want to be sidelined because you didn’t feel like putting on safety glasses or using a jack stand under the car.

That’s simple right? And something we all should be doing anyway. But what about what you do away from the garage? Are you taking care of your body to avoid potential injuries? Diet and exercise do play a role and can mean the difference between playing with cars well into your senior years or watching your friends do what you used to enjoy.

These precautions are the topic of Grassroots Motorsports’ “Do As I Say…” which you can check out here. We recommend it, because we want to see you around events for years to come.

Photo by Perry Bennett